Vietnam Memorial Wall

Fall River’s Replica Vietnam War Memorial Wall Set for Construction

Keith Thibault May 15, 2020 Comments Off on Fall River’s Replica Vietnam War Memorial Wall Set for Construction

It has been about a year since ground was broken for construction of a replica Vietnam War Memorial Wall at Bicentennial Park.  The monument is set for installation this summer

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Vietnam Veterans Wall Committee to Hold Fundraiser

Keith Thibault July 28, 2019 Comments Off on Vietnam Veterans Wall Committee to Hold Fundraiser

Courtesy State Representative Carole Fiola The Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall committee, the Fall River Police Department and the Fall River Fire Department announce the upcoming Tip the Helmet event sponsored by the Fall River Police Department Patrolmen’s

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Governor Baker To Attend Ground Breaking In Fall River

Donna Motta July 1, 2019 Comments Off on Governor Baker To Attend Ground Breaking In Fall River

A groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at the Veterans Memorial Bicentennial Park in Fall River. The event will showcase the construction of the permanent Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. Along with city officials,

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Donation Presented For Proposed Memorial Wall

Donna Motta June 6, 2018 Comments Off on Donation Presented For Proposed Memorial Wall

A check for $7 thousand dollars was recently presented to help fund a proposed Vietnam Memorial Wall at Bicentennial Park in Fall River. The proposed wall will be a smaller version of the one

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