Special School Committee Meeting Today

Donna Motta May 4, 2016 Comments Off on Special School Committee Meeting Today

A special meeting of the Fall River School Committee is set for today, May 4th at the Kuss Middle School beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Committee members are expected to approve a Skill Capital Grant (Fund Code 3681) in the amount of approximately $One hundred eleven thousand dollars. In addition, discussion and approval of the Fall River School Department’s proposed draft budget for fiscal year 2017 is also expected to be voted upon and accepted.

Previously, the school committee cut it’s proposed budget by some $3.7 million dollars, still falling short of the $8.2 million dollars that would provide level funded services. According to member Joe Martins, while it is certain that some teachers, administrators, custodians, and other school personnel will lose their jobs, the extended day program is also part of the cutbacks.

Mayor Correia has stated it would be impossible to fund the entire $8.2 million dollars that was requested, but also said he would do everything in his power to ensure the city’s students are afforded the best possible education, despite lack of funding.

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