School Superintendent Finalists Publicly Interviewed

Donna Motta June 17, 2016 Comments Off on School Superintendent Finalists Publicly Interviewed

The three finalists for the soon-to-vacant school superintendent position in Fall River have undergone public interviews last night, June 16th. All hold Doctorial Degrees, the proper licenses and possess urban school experience; two are from Massachusetts, one from Poughkeepsie, New York. The school committee hopes to have a person hired by the start of the fiscal year. Mayor Jasiel Correia who chiars the School Committee did not set a date last night for the next  School Committee meeting to discuss a possible finalist, but it could be as early as next week.

According to Mark Cost, Vice Chair of the School Committee and Chair of the Search Subcommittee, sys the candidates were all given a 90 minute per slot interview time. He  If they were nervous going in, he tells FRC Media News, no one would be able to tell:


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