School Department Budget Update

Donna Motta April 27, 2016 Comments Off on School Department Budget Update

A proposed school department budget scenario that cuts level services by 3 percent will cause problems within school districts, according to officials in the know. The 3 percent reduction amount would mean that some schools that have longer academic days may see them shortened, and 57 School Department employees could see their positions eliminated, including teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, custodians, and others.

On Tuesday, April 26th, the School Committee’s Finance Subcommittee began the process of considering potential budget scenarios that trim the requested budgets of each district school starting with 3, then 5, and finally 7 percent, with the focus on the 3 percent figure.

About 80 district teachers and administrators attended the meeting held at Kuss Middle School, and was the first in a series this week.

According to School Department figures, trimming each school district’s and department’s proposed budgets by 3 percent, would produce a $4.6 million reduction from the requested 2017 budget amount of $141.6 million. Five percent in cuts would eliminate 88 positions, while 7 percent in cuts would eliminate 135 positions. The subcommittee did not yet discuss the latter two reduction scenarios on Tuesday.

On May 4, a special meeting of the School Committee as a whole will be convened to vote to recommend a proposed budget for public hearing.





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