Hydrant Flushing Program Full Force Ahead

Donna Motta July 31, 2015 Comments Off on Hydrant Flushing Program Full Force Ahead

Fall River residents have no need to be alarmed if they see fire hydrants open and spewing water onto certain city streets over the next couple of weeks…as FRCConnect.org Donna Motta reports:

The city’s Water Department Director John Friar tells FRCConnect.org that his workers are in the process of performing a semi-annual fire hydrant flushing program. The so called “Water Blasting” is necessary in order to bring a fresh water supply into the city’s main water distribution system.

“We are currently in the process of flushing 1,000 fire hydrants starting from where the main water distribution center is located on Bedford Street and Eastern Avenue, then fan out from there” Mr. Friar says.

Fall River property owners don’t have to worry about the cost of the program coming directly out of their pockets either.

“The money used to pay for the electricity and chemicals needed to ensure clean water is minimal, and is already factored into the the water bills that property owners pay,” Mr. Friar adds.

State and federal regulations require that all city fire hydrants be flushed out twice a year. Once the current project is complete, the next one will begin in October and end before mid-November when water tends to freeze.

Along another vein, the city’s fire department also checks fire hydrants on a regular basis to ensure they are working up to par.

As Mr. Friar put it, “We are very protective of our fire hydrants, and want to ensure they are fully functioning at all times of the year.”

Video Courtesy of Kevin Vidinha.





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