Why To Vote No In The March 6th Special Election

Donna Motta February 27, 2018 Comments Off on Why To Vote No In The March 6th Special Election

A special election to ask Fall River voters whether they want to approve a Proposition Two and a Half debt exclusion override to help pay for a new B.M.C. Durfee High School will be held March 6th. A newly formed committee called People for a Better Way is holding an informational meeting to update registered voters on why they should vote ‘No.’ Here’s the news release details:

People for a Better Way
VOTE “NO” on March 6th


For more information: Steven Camara @ 508.678.1463 or steve@stevecamara.com

“People for a Better Way” is the officially established Ballot Committee promoting
VOTE “NO” on March 6th, opposing the exemption/override of Proposition 2 1/2!
Its officers are: Chair – Robert Camara, Vice-Chair – Mariam Morales, Treasurer, Carlos
Cesar and Communications Coordinator, Steven Camara.
The next meeting to which all are invited is Saturday, March 3rd at noon at the Burger
King at 66 Plymouth Avenue. The meeting will be preceded by a “standout and
visibility” at Plymouth Avenue and Pleasant Streets as well as at a simultaneous
“standout and visibility” at Plymouth Avenue and Rodman Streets, both from 10:00-
11:30a.m. A growing number of taxpayers, renters and activists are organizing
additional activities, including canvassing all of Fall River’s neighborhoods, promoting
VOTE “NO” on March 6th
On Thursday, March 1st

“People for a Better Way” is presenting its reasons for
supporting the building of a new high school while, at the same time, promoting VOTE
“NO” on March 6th at The South End Neighborhood Association meeting at 6:30p.m. at
Church of the Good Shepherd (former St. Patrick’s Church) on South Main and Slade
Streets (use rear entrance with plenty of off-street parking behind the Church). All are
invited to attend and refreshments will be served.
On Friday, March 2nd “People for a Better Way” is sponsoring a fund-raiser at Dunny’s at
13 North Main Street in Downtown Fall River from 6:00 – 8:00p.m. The $5.00
fund-raiser will be proceeded by a “visibility” supporting VOTE “NO” on March 6th.

People are encouraged to make their own signs, expressing their support for
“People for a Better Way” and VOTE “NO” on March 6th . The “visibility” will gather at
Government Center (South Main Street and Sullivan Drive) from 4:00 – 5:30p.m., prior
to the fund-raiser. Donations are accepted at-the-door and a light buffet will be served.
For more information on the locations of additional “standouts and visibilities” and to
get involved with other activities advancing the final push to support “People for a
Better Way” and VOTE “NO” on March 6th call 508.678.1463.


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