Warning, This Is Only An Editorial

Donna Motta November 19, 2015 Comments Off on Warning, This Is Only An Editorial

It’s a slow news day, and with that comes time for reflection, and time to say good-bye to two men and one woman who have served our city well: Fall River City Councilors Dan Rego, Leo Pelletier, and Pat Casey. Good bye to these people, I mean, not the politicians.

Politicians have a job to full fill their civic duties – and the incumbents who were brave enough to run for office in Fall River this time around despite the decisive rift plaguing our city – deserve applause for fulfilling those duties. People like Dan and Leo and Pat. They deserve our well wishes, and our collective thanks for all they have done through the years to better Fall River while in political office. As a matter of fact, hats off to all the candidates who pulled papers; to those who won, and who lost.

Because no matter your political affiliation, no matter your thoughts about who should have been, or who has been elected to office or booted this past election, the fact remains that being a politician in this city is not an easy task. Low pay, long hours. So, why do it?

Because the “human side” side of “politicians” want what’s best for the city, whether the constituents they serve agreed with their point of view – How about those purple bags? – or not. That’s because whatever side they took, they were fighting the good fight for the city in their perspective viewpoints.

But I digress.

The human components of people like Dan, Leo, and Pat – who did their best to do right by the taxpayers – may not feel good about losing the election as politicians, but as people they should be proud to have served their Fall River as city councilors.

Flashback: During an FRCMedia forum, city council candidates were asked what they considered a personal weakness. The responses that come to mind immediately were from Leo Pelletier – “I don’t dress like a city councilor. I should wear a suit,” and the other from Dan Rego, “I get too passionate when I think I’m making good choices for the constituents despite opposition” – These are the two responses that stick uppermost in my mind. The human, vulnerable part of their natures which these men were strong enough to share.

Now, I could be wrong, but I don’t think Leo lost because he failed to wear a suit, or that Dan was too passionate – how can someone be “too passionate” about doing what they feel is the right thing for taxpayers? They lost for reasons which none of us can truthfully answer, even though many may have strong opinions. Apparently, the taxpayers wanted change, and change is what they got. That’s okay.

No one knows what the future will bring, but let’s remember that it was dedicated city officials like Dan, Leo, and Pat who – right or wrong in their decisions, depending on your individual stance – did the best they believed possibile to move our city forward while under the microscope of the public eye.

So good-bye Dan, Leo, and Pat. You will all be missed. Thank you for your dedication while serving as Politicians for the city and for the People you are.


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