(VIDEO) Youth Education Employment Program provides a second chance to a high school diploma

Keith Thibault February 8, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Youth Education Employment Program provides a second chance to a high school diploma

Students who were unsuccessful in their quest for a high school diploma can get another chance at improving their future through the Youth Education Employment Program at SER-Jobs for Progress.

The free program is geared to those aged 16 to 24 looking to restart their educational journey. Students can apply to the program through the Youth Connections initiative offered through MassHire. Coordinator Dawn Cordeiro says the goal of the program is to provide a personalized experience for each student to earn their high school diploma and create a path to a fulfilling career.

Ms. Cordeiro says through the challenges caused by the pandemic, the program has been altered to meet the learning needs of its students.

Even after the student has earned her high school diploma, the program will also help students continue their education.

Ms. Cordeiro says she works with local social service organizations to identify and recruit students. For more information on the Youth Education Employment Program at SER-Jobs for Progress, call 508-676-1916, ext 32.

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