(VIDEO) Where to Find a Holiday Meal on Thanksgiving

Keith Thibault November 20, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Where to Find a Holiday Meal on Thanksgiving

Once again this Thanksgiving many, regardless of the pandemic, will not have the opportunity to share a holiday meal with loved ones. There are organizations in the city that will be offering free meals this Thanksgiving.

The Salvation Army will supply over 500 families this Thanksgiving and Christmas with groceries for their holiday meals. It will also open up its soup kitchen Wednesday from 1 pm to 2 pm and provide a full turkey dinner on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Blessed Trinity Church on Plymouth Avenue will open up its parish hall on Thanksgiving day beginning at 11:30 am for up to 125 city residents to enjoy a full Thanksgiving dinner.

River to Recovery will also be hosting a Thanksgiving meal at their center on Pleasant Street. For information call 774-704-5501.

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