(VIDEO) United We Move Kicks-Off United Way Annual Campaign

Keith Thibault October 20, 2022 Comments Off on (VIDEO) United We Move Kicks-Off United Way Annual Campaign

The United Way of Greater Fall River will launch its 2022-2023 fundraising campaign this Saturday morning with a community wellness event at the Fall River Bioresrve.

United Way Executive Director Kim Smith says the organization’s fiscal year begins in July and it is well on its way to meeting this year’s goal.

Ms. Smith says the campaign will end next spring and the money raised will be broadly distributed to meet the needs of the community.

The United Way will be celebrating its 75th anniversary later this fall. Ms. Smith says having long-term ties to Fall River makes the United Way a trusted community partner.

Pre-registration for the United We Move event Saturday is closed but walk-ups are welcome. Registration begins at 7 am with events beginning at 8 am. To find out more and contribute to the annual United Way campaign visit https://uwgfr.org/.

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