(VIDEO) United Neighbors Re-Opens Home Project Store to Those in Nees

Keith Thibault June 15, 2023 Comments Off on (VIDEO) United Neighbors Re-Opens Home Project Store to Those in Nees

United Neighbors of Fall River has announced it is reopening its home store, offering free household items for those in need.

The store is part of the organization’s Home Project, which supports low-income families transitioning from homelessness, who are victims of natural disasters or who are generally in need across the city.

The project started nine years ago when Garf-Lipp and other staff members at United Neighbors gathered unused items in their homes to assist a transitioning board member.

The project was first housed at the First Baptist Church but later moved to the Merrow Manufacturing building off Robeson Street. After being shut down during the pandemic, the project now has a new space and is welcoming back clients.

The organization stored items that were donated during the pandemic which are now available to the public. It still seeks donations that are tax deductible.

The Home Project is open to all with no questions asked in regard to an individual’s level of need.

So, what happens if someone who may not be low-income shops at the home store?

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