(VIDEO) SouthCoast Rail Not Impacted by Pandemic

Keith Thibault September 9, 2020 Comments Off on (VIDEO) SouthCoast Rail Not Impacted by Pandemic

We know of the toll the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on individuals, businesses, and state and local governments. One project not severely hampered by the pandemic is SouthCoast Rail.

Project manager Jean Fox says the pandemic has been a non-factor in keeping the project on track.

Ms. Fox says for the first time city residents can see the progress first hand as construction at the depot site just south of President Avenue and the layover at Weaver’s Cove has begun.

Much of the construction taking place on the Fall River depot and other elements of the project will continue into 2023.

Ms. Fox says the project is still on schedule to begin providing service to Boston by the end of 2023.

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