(VIDEO) School Committee Selects Superintendent Following Highly Charged Debate

Keith Thibault June 6, 2024 0

Drama surrounded the Fall River School Committee last night as it voted to appoint a new Superintendent of Schools to replace the retiring Maria Pontes.

The committee voted 5-1 to appoint the Assistant Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Tracy Curley.

Before the vote, the committee interviewed the four finalists forwarded to the board by a local screening committee. Each candidate was asked why they wanted to lead Fall River’s schools…

Dr. David Thomson, current superintendent in Norwood, led off by saying he feels he can translte his successes in that community to Fall River

Dr. Curley said her learned experiences in the Fall River district will serve the community well.

East Bridgewater superintendent Elizabeth Legault said her experience working in other urban school districts will suit her well in Fall River.

Fall River native and current Bristol/Warren superintendent Ana Riley said her cultural connection to the city makes her a strong candidate.

Passions ran high during the committee’s deliberation. In supporting Dr. Curley, committee member Mimi Larrivee said her longtime connection to the district, and her contribution to the current success of local schools, give her an edge over the other candidates.

The vote against Dr. Curley was cast by committee member Kevin Aguiar. He favored Ms. Riley, saying he was looking for a candidate who had experience as a sitting superintendent…He also questioned the selection process.

The accusation of favoritism did not sit well with committee member Shelli Pereira. She criticized Mr. Aguiar for changing his stance on how he appointed a superintendent in the recent past.

Committee member Sara Rodrigues also supported Ms. Riley. Following the elevated debate, she revealed her concern that not all students in the district will be served by the current adminstration…and then released her frustration with the process.

The committee’s next steps are to negotiate a contract with Dr. Curley, hoping she can start as superintendent on July 1.

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