(VIDEO) Question One Seeks Additions to Right to Repair

Keith Thibault September 10, 2020 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Question One Seeks Additions to Right to Repair

Massachusetts voters will face two ballot initiatives on election day. Today we want to look at Question One…The Right to Repair.

See our complete interview with the proponents and opponents of the ballot measure.

This initiative is a compliment to a law approved by voters in 2012 and the legislature in 2013 calling for car manufacturers to provide repair information to independent auto mechanics. The initiative this year looks to build upon the law, seeking information on vehicle diagnostics currently being collected wirelessly by manufacturers.

Tommy Hickey representing Yes on One says independent mechanics are at a disadvantage in accessing real-time mechanical information available only to car dealers.

Conor Yunits represents those opposed to Question One. He says independent care mechanics are already guaranteed to receive all repair information from manufacturers.

Yunits says the initiative would create a threat to people’s privacy by having their vehicle information available to anyone. He also says those who contribute to the initiative are large auto supply companies looking for specialized driver data.

Hickey says the opponents of the ballot measure are focused on a privacy issue that does not exist.

Question One: Right to Repair

Yes on Question One:  Mass Right to Repair
No on Questions One: Coalition for Safe and Secure Data

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