(VIDEO) Police Chief Looking to Increase Staffing Levels and Community Involvement

Keith Thibault October 5, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Police Chief Looking to Increase Staffing Levels and Community Involvement

FRCMedia caught up with Fall River Police Chief Jeffrey Cardoza this week to get an update on department activity.

Chief Cardoza says violent and property crime in the city over the first nine months of 2021 is up 1.93% over 2020. Most categories of crime are down sharply, with aggravated assault seeing the greatest increase of over 23%. The chief says his biggest concern is over the number of shootings in the city, with 32 incidents reported thus far this year compared to 20 during all of 2020.

The chief says people are fearful to come forward not just because of possible retaliation, but also over their mistrust of police. Cardoza says for the police department to do its job properly, it needs cooperation from those it serves.

Chief Cardoza says his priority in the coming months is filling open slots on the force and putting more officers on patrol.

The chief says the implementation of 12 car patrols per shift has helped with police visibility but it does not make up for officers actively working within the neighborhoods.

The department has received some negative press this year over two instances where officers were disciplined for not following procedures in securing drug evidence and filing reports. The chief says protocols will be put in place to ensure those mistakes do not happen again.

Trying to stay ahead of crime in a city like Fall River, with reduced manpower, has taken its toll on the rank and file within the department.

The chief remains confident that the work of the department is making a positive impact in Fall River and that effort is appreciated by a wide majority of residents.

Watch our full interview with Chief Cardoza.

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