(VIDEO) Meet the Candidates: Coach Michael Manley (I) MA 9th Congressional District

Keith Thibault September 30, 2020 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Meet the Candidates: Coach Michael Manley (I) MA 9th Congressional District

There are three candidates running for election as the next member of Congress in the 9th district. Along with incumbent Democrat Bill Keating and Republican Helen Brady, Coach Michael Manley is seeking consideration under the banner of Coach Team America.

Watch our entire interview with Michael Manley.

Mr. Manley grew up in Bayonne, NJ, and spent 35 years teaching physical education and coaching in the New York City school system.  He moved to Cape Cod and spent an additional 15 years teaching and coaching   He says if elected,  his top priority will be improving local education.

Mr. Manley says in handling the COVID-19 pandemic there is no one person or institution to blame for the number of infections or deaths. And in terms of reviving the economy, Congress should focus its commitment to new financial assistance.

When it comes to immigration, Mr. Manley says now is the time for needed reform.

Although he did not name a candidate he will support for president, Mr. Manley says he is a former Democrat turned off by the party’s left-leaning policies. He feels most voters do not ascribe to the extremes of either party.

Mr. Manley says an increase in mail voting in some states may lead to election concerns but he feels protections in Massachusetts makes voting by mail secure.

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