(VIDEO) Mayor Coogan, Councilor Cadime weigh in on allegations against Malone

Keith Thibault February 18, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Mayor Coogan, Councilor Cadime weigh in on allegations against Malone

More information surfaced this week on the allegations of inappropriate behavior lodged against Fall River school superintendent Matthew Malone.

Emails detailing some of the allegations were leaked on social media this week. The school committee last month finished an investigation into the allegations and, as punishment, made amendments to Malone’s contract that included reducing his compensation by $17,000 and adding language that allowed the committee to remove him without cause.

Mayor Paul Coogan would not comment on the details of the case.  He recused himself from the investigation following an opinion from the State Ethics Commission advising of a potential conflict of interest involving his brother who is a direct report to the superintendent serving as human resources director. The mayor believes the leak of the emails is unfortunate.

Because of confusion surrounding the case, there has been a call for the release of the report from the school committee’s investigation. The mayor says a determination on what to release is in the works.

The sentiment is growing on seeking the superintendent’s removal. City councilor Shawn Cadime has been vocal in his criticsim of the school committee and its handling of the case. He says the allegations against Malone shed light on a toxic work environment in the school department.

Councilor Cadime said the school committee should have placed the superintendent on administrative leave, with pay, while the investigation of the allegations took place. He questions if there were any other conflicts of interest that existed for school committee members who have family members working for the school department.

Councilor Cadime says he was not in favor of the appointment of Malone by the school committee four years ago. He says the allegations against him have led to actions that will further put the city in a negative light.

Councilor Cadime says there is still time for the school committee to do the right thing and consider firing the superintendent. He says he doubts Malone will proactively take into account what is in the best interest of the city.

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