(VIDEO) Malone a Focus as Council, School Committee Meet on Budget

Keith Thibault April 14, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Malone a Focus as Council, School Committee Meet on Budget

Allegations of inappropriate behavior by Fall River School Superintendent Matthew Malone became a talking point last night as the school committee and city council met in a joint session to discuss the FY 2022 budget.

Malone faced sanctions earlier this year from the school committee after complaints about his use of offensive language against staff members were brought to light. Following an investigation, the superintendent had his pay reduced and language added to his contract allowing for possible dismissal without cause.  Two school committee members called for his firing while four others supported retaining the superintendent.

The city council has gone on record calling for Malone’s removal, and interactions last night between the council, school committee, and the superintendent became tense. City Councilor Leo Pelletier questioned the school department on why, despite the allegations facing the superintendent, he is expected to receive a $4,000 pay raise for FY 2022.

School committeeman Tom Khoury came to the superintendent’s defense, claiming Malone has led the district well through challenging circumstances.

Both bodies were looking for concessions from the other; Councilors are seeking assistance from the school committee in helping fund school capital projects while some school committee members called for Mayor Coogan and the council to seek creative ways to raise revenue. City Council President Cliff Ponte said he hopes the influx of federal money to the public schools can be used to offset any increase in taxes anticipated when the city implements a debt exclusion to pay for the new BMC Durfee High School.

Mayor Coogan said all city elected officials need to strive toward a common goal.

The mayor is expected to present his proposed FY 2022 budget to the city council for approval sometime next month.

Video courtesy Fall River Government Television

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