(VIDEO) Local businesses seek boost from lifting of COVID curfew

Keith Thibault January 26, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Local businesses seek boost from lifting of COVID curfew

As of yesterday morning, the curfew on the closing of some businesses and the stay-at-home order was rescinded by Governor Charlie Baker. It’s anticipated that the move will bring a boost to the financial fortunes of local businesses.

One Southcoast Chamber Co-CEO’s Micahel O’Sullivan and Rick Kidder say local restaurants will be among the beneficiaries of the lifting of the curfew.

Movie theaters, gyms and museums are also among the categories of businesses allowed to stay open later.

In other news from the chamber, the organization is embarking on a membership drive geared toward giving a break to those businesses new to the chamber.

The chamber’s membership drive ends February 5.

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