Video Highlights of Mayor Coogan’s State of the City Address

Keith Thibault March 10, 2021 1

Mayor Paul Coogan last night delivered his 2021 State of the City Address before a joint meeting of the city council and school committee.  Here are the highlights.

The mayor began his remarks by reviewing the city’s battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.  He thanked the healthcare community, political leaders, and city staff for their collaboration in doing what was needed to curb the spread of the virus.  He said the presence of the COVID-19 vaccine offers hope for recovery, with hearts going out to those lost to the disease.

While the pandemic took up much of the city’s energy, Mayor Coogan also took time to reflect upon his accomplishments during his first year in office.  Among them, his initiatives around public safety.

Despite the pandemic, Mayor Coogan also touted the collaborative effort to maintain a high level of education for city students.

The pandemic challenged the city to meet the needs of residents while experiencing a loss of local revenue due to mandated business closings.  Mayor Coogan says despite the fiscal challenges, the city persevered.

The mayor touched upon his administration’s role in local infrastructure improvements, caring for the health and well-being of city residents and improving the city’s overall quality of life.  He also listed a number of economic development initiatives he hopes will guide city growth in the coming years.

Video courtesy Fall River Government Television

One Comment

  1. Richard R. Rivard March 11, 2021 at 2:48 am

    Congratulations Mayor Coogan on the constructive & positive vision
    you delivered for the City of Fall River in your State of the City
    Address. During these challenging and for some residents perilous
    times, I for one am looking forward with you to brighter, healthier
    and safer days ahead. If the administering of a vaccine into the
    arm of our citizens can eliminate the threat of a deadly virus,
    hopefully the shot in the arm you project as the CEO of our Dear
    City will instill in ALL of Us as Residents the Will and Determination
    to Work Together to Make of Fall River that Shining City on a Hill
    which is Its Destiny and Our Dream Come True.