(VIDEO) Heroux Takes Reins of Sheriff’s Department

Keith Thibault January 4, 2023 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Heroux Takes Reins of Sheriff’s Department

Former Attleboro Democratic Mayor Paul Heroux was inaugurated last night as sheriff of Bristol County, officially ending the tenure of longtime Republican sheriff Tom Hodgson.

During a ceremony held at Durfee High School, the new sheriff took the opportunity to thank Hodgson for his years of service and pledged to move the department in a different direction.

Sheriff Heroux said he plans to create a new administrative position, the Director of Inmate Sevices, that will focus on reducing the number of inmates returning to prison.

The sheriff said he will investigate reducing the rate of suicides at the house of correction and ensure the department is run in as transparent a manner as possible. He also wants to open the prison to visitors and find opportunities for veterans.

Sheriff Heroux says he plans to serve for no longer than two terms and views his office as a noble one.

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