(VIDEO) Fall River Elementary Students Return to School

Keith Thibault April 5, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Fall River Elementary Students Return to School

Approximately 75% of elementary school students returned to in-person learning today in the Fall River public schools.  For many students, this is the first time in over a year they were in the classroom.

Schools across Massachusetts welcomed back elementary students as part of a mandate by the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to begin returning students to the classroom as the state recovers from COVID-19.  Assistant Superintendent of Schools Maria Pontes welcomed students back at the Fonseca Elementary School.  She says it’s great to see students return to an environment that resembles a normal school day. It also provides the school department with guidance when the district transitions to normal operations.

Parents welcomed the return to in-person learning, pointing our challenges faced with remote access to education while crediting FRPS teachers and staff for keeping all students safe.

Public school students in middle school and high school are slated to return full-time, in person the week of April 26. Parents at all grade levels still have the option to keep their children at home to learn remotely.

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