(VIDEO) F.A.S.T. Team Still Hard at Work Tending to the City’s Homeless

Keith Thibault February 7, 2023 Comments Off on (VIDEO) F.A.S.T. Team Still Hard at Work Tending to the City’s Homeless

Last weekend’s cold snap was an obstacle that added to the plight of Fall River’s homeless population. The Fall River Addiction Support and Treatment (F.A.S.T.) team continues to work to help those without a home seek treatment and shelter.

City Homeless and Substance Abuse Adovate Niki Fontaine says extra attention is paid to the homeless during a weather emergency such as last week’s cold weather. But with this year’s winter being relatively calm, convincing those to seek shelter remains a challenge.

Each year the city conducts a “Point in Time” count of the city’s homeless as a way to gauge the severity of the problem. This year’s count was conducted recently with numbers resembling those of a year ago.

Steppingstone’s First Step Inn shelter on Durfee Street is fully open with 50 beds available and the overflow shelter on Bay Street can accommodate an additional 20 to 30. Ms. Fontaine says there remains a concerted effort from many on the F.A.S.T. team to keep an eye for homeless individuals and families and provide incentives for them to seek help.

Ms. Fontaine often shares her personal story of being addicted and homeless. She says it’s vital that those facing challenges muster up the self-confidence to want to seek help.

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