(VIDEO) Downtown Development the Focus of TDI Partnership

Keith Thibault November 17, 2020 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Downtown Development the Focus of TDI Partnership

Businesses in downtown Fall River have been engaged in a project to develop growth opportunities within the district through a partnership with the state’s Transformative Development Initiative (TDI)

TDI is a program administered through the state’s economic development arm, MassDevelopment, to help grow commercial development within the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities.  Fall River applied to the program in 2018 and was accepted in 2019 with a focus on strengthening business development along South Main Street.

Fall River TDI Fellow Jim McKeag says the role of TDI is to listen to and work with the community to devise ideas to improve economic development.  Fall River’s initiative includes participation from those in local government and the private sector.  He says the goal is simple; to drive more people to visit and patronize downtown businesses.

Mr. McKeag says the city has existing successful retail and dining options from which to build upon. He also says the future investment in local arts and culture will help bolster activity and interest in downtown.

Patti Rego runs We Love Fall River and helps with the marketing and organization of TDI activities with business members downtown. She says local businesses are engaged in working together for the betterment of the district.

The TDI program connects local businesses to state economic development grants to sustain and grow their operations.  Since the pandemic hit much of that money has been used to keep many downtown businesses afloat.  The Fall River TDI Partnership is slated to continue through June of 2021.

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