(VIDEO) Diocesan Schools to Open In-Person September 1

Keith Thibault August 26, 2020 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Diocesan Schools to Open In-Person September 1

The Diocese of Fall River has announced that the five Catholic elementary schools in Fall River will get back to work next Tuesday, September first, fully in-person, allowing for parents to decide if they feel their child should take classes remotely.

Diocesan school superintendent Daniel Roy tells us few parents have opted to keep their children home. He also says all local Catholic schools are ready to host students and teachers in the classroom.

Mr. Roy says through the summer, lines of communication have been open with parents and teachers, with both sides making contributions to the re-opening plan.

Mr. Roy says if circumstances change and schools need to return to a remote learning environment, their experiences during the shutdown in March should be helpful in any transition.

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