(VIDEO) COVID-19 Vaccination Update: Low Participation Rates, Teen/Youth Eligibilty

Keith Thibault June 3, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) COVID-19 Vaccination Update: Low Participation Rates, Teen/Youth Eligibilty

Fall River continues to lag behind the rest of the state in terms of the percentage of residents who have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. Eric Vaught, chief medical officer at the HeathFirst Family Care Center, says the change in supply and demand of the vaccine has shifted the focus of outreach.

Much attention is now shifted to getting teens between 12 and 15 vaccinated. Dr.Vaught says concerns over reports of very limited instances of teens getting what’s called myocarditis, or swelling around the heart, should not deter anyone from getting vaccinated.

As data continues to be gathered, Dr. Vaught expects that a vaccine may become available for younger children.

Dr. Vaught also says he expects more information later this fall as to whether those who have been vaccinated will require a booster dose.

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