(VIDEO) Coogan Begins Second Term as Mayor; Laliberte-Lebeau, Dionne Chosen to Lead Council

Keith Thibault January 4, 2022 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Coogan Begins Second Term as Mayor; Laliberte-Lebeau, Dionne Chosen to Lead Council

The City of Fall River held its inauguration exercises yesterday at the new BMC Durfee High School.  Mayor Paul Coogan was sworn in for his second term as were members of the city council and school committee.

The audience for the inauguration was small as the recent surge in COVID-19 cases drew people to view the ceremony at home.  Everyone in the auditorium was mandated to wear face coverings.

Following his swearing-in, Mayor Coogan recounted his first two years in office, commenting on how the city persevered while battling the pandemic and facing other challenges.

Following political battles with some members of the city council and school committee over the past year, the mayor says he remains dedicated to forging a productive partnership in the term ahead.

During the ceremony, the city council elected three-term councilor Pam Laliberte-Lebeau to serve as president for the coming year. Councilor Lalibrerte-Lebeau says she is looking forward to working with her colleagues and improving communication with Mayor Coogan, something she says had been lacking.

The council made history in electing second-term councilor Michelle Dionne to serve as vice president, marking the first time the chamber will be led by two women…a moment highlighted by the new council president.

Councilor Joseph Camara returns to the council chamber following his defeat for re-election in 2019. He also received three votes for president. He says the perceived friction among councilors over the last two years will hopefully change in the new term.

Councilor Trott Lee will begin his second term of office by remaining consistent in representing all residents.

Andrew Raposo is the lone new member of the city council. He says he’s still getting up to speed on crafting resolutions and making recommendations on which subcommittee he will be interested in serving.

There are three new members of the school committee. Bobby Bailey is hoping to put his skills in building relationships to good use.

Newcomer Sara Rodrigues says she has had a smooth transition in learning what it takes to become a successful member of the school committee.

New school committee member Shelli Pereira was not in attendance at the inauguration. Her mother, City Councilor Linda Pereira, noted online that Shelli is recovering from COVID-19.

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