(VIDEO) City Educators Remain Cautious About Returning to the Classroom

Keith Thibault July 30, 2020 Comments Off on (VIDEO) City Educators Remain Cautious About Returning to the Classroom

The Fall River School Department last week unveiled the first draft of a plan to re-open schools this fall in the face of COVID-19. A final plan is still a few weeks away. How do city teachers feel about returning?

The state this week announced that school districts can delay opening by ten days to better prepare for what an in-person school day will look like.  Rebecca Cusick, president of the Fall River Educators Association, says members still have plenty of concerns.  She says with schools allowed to delay their opening by 10 days, it should provide the time to educate staff and prepare buildings for in-person instruction.

The current draft plan prepares for three scenarios…A full in-person return of students, a full remote plan, and a hybrid of in-person and remote learning.  Cusick says the opinion of FREA members on these options varies.

So what options do teachers have if they feel uncomfortable returning to school if there is in-person instruction?  Cusick says that is under discussion.

Despite so many unknowns as to how the school year will shake out, Cusick feels Superintendent Matthew Malone has been extremely responsive to, and understanding of, union members’ concerns.

When the pandemic forced students into remote learning, Cusick said teachers adapted quickly with the focus on ensuring students could gain access to lessons and not be left behind.

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