(VIDEO) Children’s Museum Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Keith Thibault February 27, 2023 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Children’s Museum Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River this weekend will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary being housed at the former Bristol County Superior Courthouse on North Main Street.

The museum was the brainchild of founding executive director Jo-Ann Sbrega, who served in the role until early 2022. Interim executive director Kali Rose says the organization began as a traveling museum of portable exhibits hosted at locations across Fall River.

Ms. Rose says the museum’s exhibits cater to a variety of interests.

All the exhibits allow children to have fun but many also provide early childhood development components.

Ms. Rose says even after ten years there is still a good mix of visitors new to the museum and those who are return customers.

The museum will host a special 10th-anniversary celebration this Sunday.

Ms. Rose says for the next ten years the museum will continue to build upon the successes of its first decade.

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