(VIDEO) Atlantis Charter Teachers Take Creative Approach to Teaching Phys Ed

Keith Thibault October 27, 2020 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Atlantis Charter Teachers Take Creative Approach to Teaching Phys Ed

As students continue to take classes remotely, some classes translate to a virtual environment more readily than others.  Take physical education.  How do you get students motivated to stay healthy in front of a computer? Two teachers at the Atlantis Charter School devised a plan.

When the pandemic shut down in-person classes, teachers Bethany Daniels and Nathan Mello were forced to create a curriculum that focused on individual well being.

As classes progressed in the spring, Daniels and Mello came up with the idea of meeting students where they lived…through a bike tour to students’ homes.

The pair took it one step further this fall…taking their students on virtual field trips, to the South Wautuppa Rowing Center and the Sauchest Point National Wildlife Refuge.

Daniels and Mello recently had more in-person time with their students as many of them participated in the United We Move event organized by the United Way at their campaign kick-off last Thursday at the Fall River Bioreserve.

Photo courtesy Atlantis Charter School

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