(VIDEO) Amid High Inflation, Why Won’t Massachusetts Suspend the Gas Tax?

Keith Thibault June 20, 2022 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Amid High Inflation, Why Won’t Massachusetts Suspend the Gas Tax?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is collecting record amounts of tax and other revenue. But with prices at the gas pump at an all-time high, why won’t the legislature pass a suspension of the gas tax to give motorists a break?

On the latest edition of FRCMedia’s Voices from the Hill program, Fall River state senator Michael Rodrigues says the reason for not suspending the gas tax comes down to who will benefit from it.

The senator does say that a more meaningful package of tax relief will be debated soon.

Even though revenue collection is strong, Rodrigues is concerned that within the next year the Commonwealth and the country may be in the midst of a recession.

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