Updates from the Fall River Public Library

Keith Thibault October 22, 2021 Comments Off on Updates from the Fall River Public Library

Here is the latest news from the Fall River Public LIbrary

From the Fall River Public Library


Kanopy = Movies to Go!
As part of our mission to offer affordable culture and information services to the community, Fall River Public Library now has a new resource for free movies: Kanopy! Kanopy is a streaming service that lets you watch movies on your phone, tablet, computer, or smart TV. All you need is a library card. Sign up at https://fallriverlibrary.kanopy.com.

Kanopy includes an incredible variety to choose from: new movies, classics, documentaries, foreign films, and kids’ movies. Your library membership gets you five free movies per month, plus unlimited children’s movies and Great Courses educational videos.

Amnesty for Fines
Sometimes, we all forget to return library books and DVDs, and those fines can pile up. It happens! But, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and giving back, the library is forgiving overdue fines for the week of November 1-6, 2021.

If you have items you have not returned yet and they are overdue, bring them back anytime during the first week of November and we’ll waive the fines—no matter how overdue they are!

This Amnesty week applies to all library material that is currently checked out. You must still return the items to have your fines forgiven. Fines will still apply for lost, stolen, or damaged items.

For more information, call the library at 508-324-2700.

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