Update On Fall River Charter Commission

Donna Motta September 17, 2016 Comments Off on Update On Fall River Charter Commission

The Fall River Charter Commission has been meeting for almost a year now, and has about six more sessions before a revised charter is completed.

According to Chairman Mike Miozza, the commission has until March to draft the document that will go before voters in the November 2017 election.

“The proposed new charter will be a basic updated version,” Miozza says. “The document will not actually include major changes such as Ward Councilors replacing City Councilors, or the city being run by a Town Manager rather than a Mayor.”

In a recent interview with FRC Media News, Miozza explained that the new legal governmental document-  that hasn’t been updated in some 80 years – is not controversial.

“We just want to update the language to make it more modernized and up-to-date,” he says, adding that if voters approve the ballot question then future charter commission’s will be able to make revisions if necessary.

The meetings are open to the public. The next session will be held in the library of Kuss Middle School at 52 Globe Mills Avenue this Monday, September 19th beginning at 6:00 p.m.

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