United Way Seeking Requests for Funding for 2022

Keith Thibault July 7, 2021 Comments Off on United Way Seeking Requests for Funding for 2022

The United Way of Greater Fall River has announced it is seeking Requests for Proposals (RFP) to fund community programs. The deadline to apply is July 27.

From the United Way of Greater Fall River

United Way of Greater Fall River (UWGFR) is pleased to announce a new Request for Proposals (RFP) open to any 501(c)3 non-profit organization serving the Greater Fall River area for Fiscal Year 2022.

For the past 74 years, UWGFR has worked with local community partners to address the most pressing needs of our area. As we emerge from the greatest challenge of our lifetime, we are expanding and transitioning to an Impact model. Local health and human service agencies who have not received Allocation Funding from UWGFR are encouraged to submit programs for funding consideration.

Agencies are encouraged to apply for funding up to $50,000 to build capacity or expand existing programs with at least one year of service and demonstrated impact in United Way’s core areas of focus. Focus areas for this RFP include:

• Youth behavioral health services
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion programming
• Health, education, & financial stability programs that serve historically excluded populations

Proposals, with accompanying documentation, must be uploaded to United Way of Greater Fall River before 11:59pm on Wednesday, July 27, 2021 via the online portal at https://uwgfr.org/request-for-proposals. All applications must be submitted through the online portal.

Agencies selected for funding will be notified directly before September 1, 2021. Funding will be prorated and will run July 1, 2021 until June 30, 2022. For more information, visit uwgfr.org

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