United Way Organizing Winter Clothing Drive

Keith Thibault November 29, 2024 Comments Off on United Way Organizing Winter Clothing Drive

The United Way of Greater Fall River is seeking winter clothing for those in need as part of its Warm Coats – Warm Hearts donation drive.

From the United Way of Greater Fall River

FALL RIVER, MA – For the sixth consecutive year, United Way of Greater Fall River’s (UWGFR) Warm Coats ~ Warm Hearts donation drive is collecting adult and youth-sized new or gently-loved winter coats, outerwear, accessories, and new socks to distribute to community members in need. This annual initiative, sponsored by Neto Insurance Agency, runs from November 1st throughout January 28th with weekly sortings and deliveries executed with the help of volunteers and donation drive partner, First Congregational Church of Fall River.

“We’re grateful to be a part of a caring community that always takes charge in Leading the Way to change,” remarks Marketing and Community Engagement Coordinator Janine Pohorely. “Whether it’s through donations or by volunteering alongside our team sorting through coats and delivering requested items to community-based organizations, the Warm Coats ~ Warm Hearts initiative relies heavily on its ability to mobilize the community. This collective support, from collection site partners to individual donations to the dedicated volunteers, all work together to make this annual donation drive meaningful in providing the direct support right when our neighbors need it,” Pohorely emphasizes.

Providing a basic need like access to warm clothing reinforces UWGFR’s mission of creating a Healthy Community where everyone thrives. Last year’s Warm Coats ~ Warm Hearts initiative delivered nearly 1,600 coats and over 2,000 winter accessories to individuals in the seven communities UWGFR serves. This was completed with the help of volunteers working alongside UWGFR staff to pick up items at collection sites, sort through donations to ensure they are in good condition, and then deliver custom orders submitted by
local community-based organizations.

The number of items distributed underscores the impact of the current economic climate. With a poverty rate of 19.7 percent, Fall River sits higher than the national average of 12.5 percent which translates to increased need (U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Fall River City, Massachusetts, 2024). Purchasing adequate seasonal attire becomes a luxury when individuals are struggling to pay their bills, put food on the table, or maintain steady shelter. The Warm Coats ~ Warm Hearts donation drive aims to strengthen Community Resiliency by tackling the urgent needs of individuals today through the provisioning of winter clothing so that they can focus on overcoming other daily challenges to build their version of a better future.

In light of the season of giving, folks are encouraged to Get Involved with the Warm Coats ~ Warm Hearts donation drive by visiting UWGFR’s website, https://uwgfr.org/warm-coats-warm-hearts/ where information can be found on donating items, becoming a collection site, volunteering, or submitting a request for items. Follow UWGFR on social media for Warm Coats ~ Warm Hearts donation drive updates and other community happenings at @UnitedWayGFR.

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