Unfair Labor Practice Allegations To Be Addressed

Donna Motta December 5, 2016 Comments Off on Unfair Labor Practice Allegations To Be Addressed

The state Department of Labor Relations has scheduled a three-day formal hearing this week regarding allegations of unfair labor practices in the City of Fall River. The union representing former sanitation workers with their legal team, and officials of the Correia administration, will attend the sessions.

Complaints were brought against the city by Teamsters Local 251 in connection with Mayor Jasiel Correia’s privatization of city trash hauling that led to the lay-offs of 24 city workers, some who have been transferred to other city positions.

The unfair labor practice allegations sprung up as a result of the mayor having announced at a news conference back in April that he was privatizing city trash, and was entering into a 10 year contract with EZ Disposal out of Revere. As a result, the 24 sanitation workers were laid off as of July 1st.

While both sides have met in mediation sessions last spring neither could come to a compromise, and so the labor union is now bringing their concerns before the state DLR.

The hearings in Boston are expected to start this Wednesday, December 7th, and end on Friday, December 9th.





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