Undocumented Immigrants Anxious Over Potential Deportation

Keith Thibault January 30, 2025 Comments Off on Undocumented Immigrants Anxious Over Potential Deportation

Undocumented immigrants on the SouthCoast are on edge as the Trump Administration conducts raids across the country to detain, with the intent to deport, some of those individuals.

Attorney Jonathan Vazquez, limited partner for the law firm of Lider, Fogarty & Ribeiro in Fall River, says his office has received hundreds of calls from clients seeking information on how to respond to Immigration and Custome Enforcement (I.C.E.) raids

He says his clients’ anxiety is well-founded.

Attorney Vazquez says he has advised clients to engage in limited communication with law enforcement if approached.

Even if individuals are taken into custody, attorney Vazquez says being detained does not mean the result will lead to deportation.

Attorney Vazquez says along with advising clients of their rights, his office also works on making preparations to protect other family and financial matters.

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