Thousands Sign Recall Petition

Donna Motta November 14, 2018 Comments Off on Thousands Sign Recall Petition

A group of Fall River residents who want to hold an election to recall Mayor Jasiel Correia, have gathered thousands of petitioner signatures so far. Board of Election Chairperson Kelly Souza-Young tells FRC Media news, as of right now, the recall group has submitted approximately 4,800 names. Now it is her job to certify the names and addresses of actual registered voters. The group must submit the signatures of 2,510 registered voters before a recall election can be held.

Souza-Young also said that she has been receiving telephone calls from a few people who want their signatures removed from the petition; however, due to state law, once a petition is submitted to her office, she has no jurisdiction to alter the paperwork.

The goal of the recall group was to generate a total of 5,000 signatures, but now they expect to exceed that limit.

The recallers want to oust Mayor Correia from office in response to the thirteen-count federal indictment filed against him alleging wire fraud and filing false tax returns surrounding his now-defunct Sno Owl business. The mayor, arrested on the charges last month, has refused to resign. If a recall election does go through, City Clerk Alison Bouchard said the election could be scheduled as early as January 2019.


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