The King Phillips Mills May Get A Face lift

Donna Motta November 5, 2015 Comments Off on The King Phillips Mills May Get A Face lift

The Designer Selection Board for the city’s Sewer Department held a board meeting November 5th. Members interviewed four engineering firms to discuss their proposals for a feasibility study on what to do with the King Phillip Mills building complex located at 372 Kilburn Street.

These four firms were interviewed over a four hour period:

William Starck Enterprises
LL B Architects
Cross Key Architechs
Northeast Collaborative

In 2012 the office building associated with the mill burned down. Arson was suspected. A suspect was arrested.

The complex was put on the national register of historic places in 1983, and was used as a cotton mill over a hundred years ago. It was acquired by Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates in 1930, which later became Berkshire Hathaway.



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