Question # 3

Election 2022: Convenience and Fairness the Focus of Referendum Increasing Alcohol Licenses

Keith Thibault October 10, 2022 Comments Off on Election 2022: Convenience and Fairness the Focus of Referendum Increasing Alcohol Licenses

FRCMedia is publishing stories of candidates and referendum questions in the November 8 State Election.  Today’s entry features the supporters of Question 3, the expanded availability of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages

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Question # 3 – Conditions For Farm Animals – Yes Viewpoint

Donna Motta October 27, 2016 Comments Off on Question # 3 – Conditions For Farm Animals – Yes Viewpoint

Question # 3 The proposed law would prohibit any farm owner or operator from knowingly confining any breeding pig, calf raised for veal, or egg-laying hen in a way that prevents the animal from

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