Mosquito spraying

Mosquito Control Spraying to Take Place this Week Near Kennedy Park

Keith Thibault August 22, 2022 Comments Off on Mosquito Control Spraying to Take Place this Week Near Kennedy Park

The Fall River Health Department and Mayor Paul Coogan have announced that the immediate neighborhood around Kennedy Park will be the location of mosquito control spraying.  The spraying will take place early morning on

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Mosquito Bite Warning

Donna Motta August 15, 2019 Comments Off on Mosquito Bite Warning

Parts of the City of Fall River have been the focus of mosquito spraying over the past week. Even though the spraying is effective, Fall River’s Health Department is advising residents to protect themselves

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Mosquito Spraying Continues In Fall River

Donna Motta August 8, 2019 Comments Off on Mosquito Spraying Continues In Fall River

Press Release From The Office Of Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia DPH and the Department of Agriculture plan to do a partial aerial spraying of Fall River.  By spraying DPH hopes to reduce number

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Mosquito Spraying at Kennedy Park

Donna Motta August 24, 2015 Comments Off on Mosquito Spraying at Kennedy Park

Since mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus were recently discovered at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Mayor Sam Sutter has decided to spray Kennedy Park in order to reduce the mosquito population there. The reason: The

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