Greater Fall River Children’s Museum

Tips to Keep Children Active While at Home During COVID-19 Restrictions

Keith Thibault March 21, 2020 Comments Off on Tips to Keep Children Active While at Home During COVID-19 Restrictions

Parents are seeking ideas to keep their children engaged under limited travel circumstances related to the outbreak of COVID-19.  Jo-Anne Sbrega, executive director of the Greater Fall River Children’s Museum, has some ideas

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Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Moon Landing at the Children’s Museum

Keith Thibault July 19, 2019 Comments Off on Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the First Moon Landing at the Children’s Museum

The Greater Fall River Children’s Museum is sponsoring a special event Saturday on the 50th anniversary of man’s first landing on the moon

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New HVAC System For Fall River Museum

Donna Motta June 19, 2017 Comments Off on New HVAC System For Fall River Museum

As the Fall River City Council continues to hammer out the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 budget offered by the Correia administration this week, one non-profit agency leader is keeping her fingers crossed for approval

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