Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River

Children’s Museum Looks Forward to Growth Under New Executive Director

Keith Thibault October 17, 2023 Comments Off on Children’s Museum Looks Forward to Growth Under New Executive Director

The new executive director at the Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River is excited about the prospects of expanding the capacity and resources of the ten-year-old attraction

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(VIDEO) Children’s Museum Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Keith Thibault February 27, 2023 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Children’s Museum Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River this weekend will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary being housed at the former Bristol County Superior Courthouse on North Main Street

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(VIDEO) Children’s Museum Looks to the Future as Long-Time Director Departs, New Director Arrives

Keith Thibault March 22, 2022 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Children’s Museum Looks to the Future as Long-Time Director Departs, New Director Arrives

The Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River is transitioning this month as current executive director Jo-Anne Sbrega retires and new executive director Katelyn Mushipi takes over

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(VIDEO) Children’s Museum Open and Ready for School Vacation Week

Keith Thibault April 14, 2021 Comments Off on (VIDEO) Children’s Museum Open and Ready for School Vacation Week

Families in Fall River are beginning to reap the benefits as more organizations for children are re-opening from the pandemic. Among them is the Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River

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