Bishop Edgar Cunha

Bishop Releases Statement on the Killing of George Floyd

Keith Thibault June 3, 2020 Comments Off on Bishop Releases Statement on the Killing of George Floyd

The Most Rev. Edgar da Cunha, Bishop of Fall River, today shared his thoughts on the killing last week of George Floyd after arrested by police officers in Minneapolis

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Fall River Bishop Talks Peace

Donna Motta March 24, 2016 Comments Off on Fall River Bishop Talks Peace

This is Holy Week in the Catholic Church and’s Donna Motta talked with Fall River Bishop Edgar De Cunha about his feelings on world events that include the recent bombings in Brussels. Bishop De

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The 1st Year Anniversary of Bishop Edgar Cunha

Donna Motta September 17, 2015 Comments Off on The 1st Year Anniversary of Bishop Edgar Cunha

Almost one year ago to the day, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis has chosen Bishop Edgar Moreira da Cunha, S.D.V, to lead the Dicocese of Fall River. The actual anniversary of his installation

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