Sutter, Correia Spar During First Debate

Keith Thibault October 14, 2015 Comments Off on Sutter, Correia Spar During First Debate

Incumbent Fall River Mayor Sam Sutter and City Councillor Jasiel Correia did not shy away from attacking each other’s record during the first one-on-one mayoral debate today.

In the Lincoln-Douglas-style debate, sponsored by the Herald News and telecast live from the FRCMedia studios on the campus of Bristol Community College, the two mayoral hopefuls took each other to task on their qualifications to lead Fall River for the next two years.

Councillor Corriea criticized the mayor for his handling of the city’s solid waste collection operation and the implementation of the $10 per household unit disposal fee.  The councillor also attacked Mayor Sutter for the hiring of two close associates to key positions within his administration.

Mayor Sutter used much of his time to defend his record since being elected last December following the recall of former Mayor Will Flanagan. He criticized Councillor Correia for not offering concrete solutions to the city’s fiscal problems while also being inexperienced in managing large budgets.

The candidates are scheduled to participate in two more debates to be held at Morton Middle School; Wednesday, October 21st at 6:30pm which is also sponsored by the Herald News and on Wednesday, October 28th at 7pm, entitled the People’s Debate, sponsored by Spindle City Straight Talk.

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