Suicide Prevention Event This Weekend

Jayne Darcy February 15, 2019 Comments Off on Suicide Prevention Event This Weekend

The following information was released by the Office of Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia:

Just a reminder that the Fall River Breakfast for Prevention – Suicide Prevention Town Hall Meeting –  will take place:

Saturday, Feb. 16th, at 9:30am – Noon.
Location: Blessed Trinity Parish, 1340 Plymouth Avenue.

The event is being sponsored by the Bristol County Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention.

The desired outcome is to become a more proactive community with cohesive collaboration and communication centered around educational and informational resources.  See highlights of the event below:

What is in place today related to Early Intervention, Prevention, and Support:  There have been strides made over the last few years in regards to training in the school community, with our first responders, programs implemented in Bristol County for loss and attempt survivors, SafeTalk training programs for the community, changes in school curriculum related to mental health.    What are they, when are they, and where does someone go to find out more?   I do believe that resources exist today and that it is a matter of letting others at this town hall meeting know what those resources are, who they are available to, and how does someone find out more about them.  I think we need to identify a better way of communicating these resources to the public.

What educational and information resources are still needed today:  For parents, for kids (from kindergarten through Grade 12), for first responders, for educators, for coaches, for dance/gymnastics teachers, for camp counselors, for daycare providers, for caregivers, etc.

How can we make what is needed happen once we’ve identified it:  Next steps – who takes the lead and who else is involved – what are the checks and balances to ensure change happens.

 Hosted by:

Kathy Nemkovich

Facilitator, Fall River Kitchen Table Conversation Support for Loss Survivors

Member, Bristol County Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention

Photo courtesy

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