State Rep Alan Silvia Pushing Education

Donna Motta August 21, 2015 Comments Off on State Rep Alan Silvia Pushing Education

Fall River State Representative Alan Silvia filed a bill today which is relative to higher education.

If the so called HD4113 bill becomes law it will mean that students from non-public high schools will be allowed to participate in MCAS testing, although they currently do not have to under state law.

Why, then, would they opt to take the test?

Because if they score high enough they will be eligible to receive an Abigail Adams Scholarship grant that is used to pay tuition costs at state schools throughout Massachusetts.

“I believe that non-public school students in good academic standing should be awarded the same opportunity as public school students when it comes to earning college scholarship money,” Representative Silvia says.

To learn more about Representative Silvia’s views on education, please select the Education tab on our website page.





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