State Primary to Decide Race for Bristol County District Attorney

Keith Thibault August 16, 2022 Comments Off on State Primary to Decide Race for Bristol County District Attorney

FRCMedia is publishing a series of stories on the candidates running in the September 6th State Primary.  Today’s entry features attorney Shannon McMahon and incumbent Thomas Quinn, Democratic candidates for Bristol County District Attorney. There are no Republican candidates in the race, so the winner of the primary will essentially become the next district attorney.

You can view our full interviews with Shannon McMahon and Thomas Quinn on our Election 2022 Democratic Primary Election page.

Quinn has been district attorney since 2015 and he says his record of success in prosecuting violent crimes and protecting the community speaks for itself.

McMahon is the first woman to run for district attorney and has served as a former prosecutor under two previous administrations. She says the current office has become complacent over the last eight years.

McMahon feels the district attorney’s office should be more innovative in devising programs and specialty courts that focus on the underlying causes of non-violent offenders.

Quinn says his office works with non-violent offenders to get them from being repeat offenders, but the focus must remain on making sure violent criminals are dealt with swiftly and taken off the streets.

The district attorney maintains close relationships with local law enforcement in the investigation of crimes. When a police officer faces misconduct or criminal allegations, which has been the case for members of the Fall River Police Department in the recent past, how the district attorney’s office handles such a matter can come under scrutiny. Quinn feels his office has maintained its integrity in investigating and prosecuting criminal police behavior.

McMahon feels the district attorney’s office needs to isolate itself from investigations involving alleged police misbehavior.

Both candidates believe the district attorney’s office needs to play a role in educating the community about potential instances of criminal activity and ways to guard against getting involved. McMahon says her focus will be to educate children on the dangers of using drugs.

Quinn says he would like to build upon his experience in educating elders who may fall prey to scammers.

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