SRTA to Discontinue Pleasant Street Bus Route

Keith Thibault July 31, 2020 Comments Off on SRTA to Discontinue Pleasant Street Bus Route

The Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) is making changes to its routes as it enters the fall season.  Among the route changes will be the discontinuation of the Fall River Route 6 Pleasant Street service.

The transit authority is making changes as ridership continues to lag from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In explaining the discontinuation of the Pleasant Street service, SRTA Administrator Erik Rousseau said “This service is almost entirely redundant with the local intercity service that runs hourly until 9 am when it ramps up and runs every half hour until 6pm and then hourly again until 9 pm. The two points of interest that are not covered by the local intercity service are Walmart and Clover Leaf Mills. Walmart would still be served by the Route 10 Rodman St bus and Clover Leaf Mills is a low ridership stop that can be served by extending the Route 9 Bedford St bus to fill in the gap after it leaves Barresi Heights.”

Rousseau said it is still working with the Fall River School Department on the transportation of students to Durfee High School.  The bus line says it moves 500 students a day to the high school.

Rousseau also announced that it will be reducing redundant service on the New Bedford Route 6 Shawmut/Rockdale and the New Bedford Route 5 Rivet St bus. They will also reduce the frequency of evening service on the New Bedford Route 1 Fort Rodman and New Bedford Route 2 Lund’s Corner routes from every 20 minutes to every 30 minutes.

SRTA is exploring further pilot service changes for the fall.

Rousseau said the company has worked closely with its Union Leadership and have their full support.

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