SRTA Makes Changes to Bus Service with Greater Efficiency in Mind

Keith Thibault September 11, 2023 Comments Off on SRTA Makes Changes to Bus Service with Greater Efficiency in Mind

Two weeks ago the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) made changes to its routes in Fall River as part of its ongoing efforts to increase efficiency and provide for a better experience for all riders.

The first change was a new numerical form for local routes, going from a single-digit system to a triple-digit one.

The authority also realigned some of its routes, eliminating deviations that were no longer needed.

SRTA also decided to terminate its Pleasant Street route. But riders on that line are still being served via another route.

The recent changes are just the beginning of what SRTA has in store to make its service more effective. The authority is exploring the possible elimination of some bus stops on selective routes.

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